Process Specification Language - Rules for ontology : (Complementary ISO standard external to WG1).

The goal of the PSL is to develop a language for specifying industrial processes. The PSL will provide a set of concepts and definitions that would allow one to describe process information, both at the enterprise level and at the shop floor level.

Clear and unambiguous definition of the concepts inherent to processes is essential because different manufacturing functions may use different terms to mean the exact same concept or use the exact same term to mean very different concepts. For this reason, the PSL is built upon a formal ontology, with all definitions of concepts captured in first-order logic, specifically the Knowledge Interchange Format (KIF). The part of PSL that is ready to be standardized now is the PSL ontology; that is, such concepts as the resource roles and activity duration.

Intended audience: System integrators and Enterprise refurbishers

by Gary Rathwell © reserved

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